Meebo CEO – his job at a 200 person company

Very interesting post from Seth Sternberg, the CEO and Co-founder of Meebo, on TechCrunch. He discusses how his job changed from 6 years ago to a 200 people company. In a brief, his current job is: 1. Strategy. 2. People. 3. Resource allocation What does that mean? Read the article at:

Categorized as Startup

Para refletir – sobre Groupon

Gostei dessa frase: “Groupon is essentially holding a portfolio of loans backed by the receivables of small businesses” Como muitas das lojas/estabelecimentos que entram no GroupOn com as promoções de seus produtos/serviços são pequenos comerciantes procurando levantar um caixa rápido e ir pagando em “prestações” (gastos ao longo do tempo para atender seus clientes), o… Continue reading Para refletir – sobre Groupon

Categorized as Startup