Globalize 1.3.0 announcement

On July 3rd, we released Globalize 1.3.0. It is a special release, because it includes some very useful feature enhancements to support advanced date, time, timezone manipulation, and other long due fixes. We wanted to share more details on these improvements. IANA/Olson Time Zone Support This change was contributed by Kandaswamy Manikandan @rajavelmani (PayPal) and… Continue reading Globalize 1.3.0 announcement

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TC39: Ecma-402 updates

This Tuesday (March 21), we had a TC39 meeting (the committee responsible for evolving the ECMAScript language, the browsers’ programming language) where several JavaScript topics were discussed, including Ecma-402 (the Internationalization API Specification). If you are an i18n engineer, this post might interest you… Basically we had 4 proposals. 3 about new API (Intl.ListFormat, Intl.UnitFormat,… Continue reading TC39: Ecma-402 updates

Categorized as Tech

jQueryUI 1,000,000 custom downloads every quarter

I’ve been helping jQueryUI to port its DownloadBuilder into node.js. The rewrite is actually live and serving downloads since Oct/2012. Today, I wrote my very first post in the jQueryUI Blog with insights into what we’ve built, and the trends we’ve noticed so far. Good reading… (original at We surpassed the millionth download of… Continue reading jQueryUI 1,000,000 custom downloads every quarter

Categorized as Tech

Quick script to fetch diff history [of a file] using svn

If you wanna see the whole history differences of some file in svn repository, you could use this: $ svndiffhist file Retrieving releases… OK (found 17 steps) ## 908:895 diffs… ## 895:890 diffs… ## 890:880 … etc Where svndiffhist is the following script: function svndiffhist { FILE=$1 echo -n “Retrieving releases…” >&2 releases=$( svn log… Continue reading Quick script to fetch diff history [of a file] using svn

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A REST client interface for Python

The py-restlib: [] is a GNU GPL library that implements a REST client interface for Python. Here it goes its Getting Started section: Introduction Py-restlib is supposed to be a simple REST client interface for python. But, it also claims that writing a python client to communicate with RESTful applications on the Web should be… Continue reading A REST client interface for Python

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