Google is the searching engine leader today. In the meanwhile, Yahoo and Microsoft just made a deal to fight together for the about 20% left over market. Although it’s still a billionary market, a new searching era is comming (actually, it’s already here). Jeff Jarvis commented it out on the Twit TV show presented by… Continue reading New means of search
Simbora – no ar
Você costuma viajar? Se você estuda fora, trabalha em outra cidade, namora, gosta de passear, enfim, independentemente do motivo prefere dividir uma carona com seus amigos do que viajar sozinho, isto pode te interessar… A internet hoje nos oferece algumas alternativas para nos aproximar de grupos de pessoas com os mesmos interesses. No caso de… Continue reading Simbora – no ar
Quick script to fetch diff history [of a file] using svn
If you wanna see the whole history differences of some file in svn repository, you could use this: $ svndiffhist file Retrieving releases… OK (found 17 steps) ## 908:895 diffs… ## 895:890 diffs… ## 890:880 … etc Where svndiffhist is the following script: function svndiffhist { FILE=$1 echo -n “Retrieving releases…” >&2 releases=$( svn log… Continue reading Quick script to fetch diff history [of a file] using svn
A REST client interface for Python
The py-restlib: [] is a GNU GPL library that implements a REST client interface for Python. Here it goes its Getting Started section: Introduction Py-restlib is supposed to be a simple REST client interface for python. But, it also claims that writing a python client to communicate with RESTful applications on the Web should be… Continue reading A REST client interface for Python
Python POST request
If you’re trying to send a python POST request with httplib, but it’s not working like example tells. Try this minor fix: Here is an example session that shows how to “POST” requests: >>> import httplib, urllib >>> params = urllib.urlencode({‘spam’: 1, ‘eggs’: 2, ‘bacon’: 0}) >>> headers = {“Content-Type”: “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”, … “Accept”: “text/plain”} >>>… Continue reading Python POST request